Contact Us: Ofelia (877) 241-6664

P.O. Box 463

Prosper TX. 75078

Welcome to Affordable Christmas Lighting,

It's that time of year again to check off your list for the Holidays. Who's been naughty or nice, where you will find gifts and all the hustle and bustle? Face it! shopping alone is more then anyone can handle. On top of everything else you need to get out the Christmas Lights from storage and string them out on the floor plug them in and make sure the bulbs are all working. But when it's all said and done is it really what you want to do? You probably don't even have the time. Let Affordable Christmas Lighting hang your lights for you.

We will work with you to come up with a design gauranteed that you will love and that works for you. Even if a bulb goes out after we have installed them during the Holidays call us and we will be right out to replace it. This not only saves you time and money, but also ensures that you receive the highest level of quality and satisfaction available.

We are always happy to give you a free, no obligation bid on any project, and if you currently use another company, we invite you to compare our products, services, and pricing with theirs. You will almost certainly be pleasantly surprised. Let Affordable Christmas Lighting hang your lights.